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Diamond Legacy Award



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15th Annual Milwaukee Women inc Research Report Highlights “Power of 3” Female Directors, Expands to Include Female Executives

MILWAUKEE – October 8, 2018 – Milwaukee Women inc, a nonprofit organization that works to achieve a balanced representation of women on boards of directors to maximize the performance of Wisconsin businesses, today released its 15th annual research report, the “Power of 3.” Highlighting research from Catalyst that notes companies with three or more women directors outperform those with low representation, the “Power of 3” report found that: 12 of...

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The Greater Women’s Business Council’s LACE Awards Honor Women in Business and Corporate Members Dedicated to the Advancement of Women-Owned Businesses

ATLANTA – November 12, 2018– The Greater Women’s Business Council (GWBC), the largest provider of certification and development resources for women business enterprises (WBEs) in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, hosted its annual LACE (Ladies Achieving Continuous Excellence) Awards Gala on Nov. 9 at the St. Regis hotel in Atlanta. This annual event celebrates, honors and recognizes GWBC corporate members and certified WBEs for their co...

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Struggling to Find Great Talent? Consider Candidates without a Degree

In a super tight labor market, the old ways of hiring no longer hack it. Danny Iny offers eight tips to improve your chances of finding a great employee—and some of them may surprise you. Washington, D.C. (November 2018)—The U.S. Department of Labor has just released its latest numbers and unemployment rates are holding firm at 3.7 percent. This is a nearly 50-year low. If you're an employer you don't have to be told what this means: it's really ...

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Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award


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