Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award



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2017 The Year of Empowerment - Principles for February-Financial Diligence

Book: “Girl, Get Your Money Straight!” by Glinda BridgforthWebsite: www.thefourcups.comEvery year in celebration of the new beginnings, it is Southern tradition to prepare a special meal to usher in a prosperous new year.  So we pull out Aunt Bea’s secret recipe for what we think will help us gain financial prosperity.  It is legend that this special meal of black-eyed peas and cabbage greens provides good luck to help us see more clear...

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Right Message, Right Situation

A sales message designed for one situation will not necessarily work well in another. For example, you may have perfected your 30-second elevator speech (or “30-second commercial,” as it’s often called). This works great if you are actually in an elevator and have someone’s complete attention. But it will get you those glazed looks if you try to work 30 seconds of monologue into a conversation in the buffet line at a networking event. Live, spur-...

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2017 – The Year of Empowerment How to Master Your Goals

Life is all about a healthy balance, the positive force to balance the negative, an equal give and take. In our lifetimes on this earth, we are only given a finite amount of energy in a finite amount of time, and how we use this energy is up to us. In the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, it is our duty to “if we get-give, and if we learn-teach”, and if I may be bold to add - if we imagine-create. We can only do so much in a given period of time-a day, ...

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Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award


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